Being successful is about professionalism, and chewing gum is unprofessional. Its also a huge pet peeve of mine.

Tabatha Coffey
Some Similar Quotes
  1. I feel no need for any other faith than my faith in the kindness of human beings. I am so absorbed in the wonder of earth and the life upon it that I cannot think of heaven and angels. - Pearl S. Buck

  2. See the world for what it is. B E A U T I F U L! - Anthony T. Hincks

  3. It’s the poet we love in Caeiro, not the philosopher. What we really get from these poems is a childlike sense of life, with all the direct materiality of the child’s mind, and all the vital spirituality of hope and increase that exist in the... - Unknown

  4. We can't go back to who we once were. We can only go on and become the person we were meant to be. - Anthony T.Hincks

  5. When you shut out the universe around you. You inadvertently become the very universe that you were trying to shut out. - Anthony T. Hincks

More Quotes By Tabatha Coffey
  1. We have all met people that act 'old' or think a number makes them old, and I truly don't believe that is the case. If you have a good attitude toward aging, and you do what you can to live healthy and take care of...

  2. We have to stand up for what we believe in, even when we might not be popular for it. Honesty starts with being ourselves, authentic and true to who we are and what we believe in, and that may not always be popular, but it...

  3. By the way, intelligence to me isn't just being book-smart or having a college degree; it's trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it.

  4. We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn't just being book-smart or having a college degree; it's trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being...

  5. Being successful is about professionalism, and chewing gum is unprofessional. Its also a huge pet peeve of mine.

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